Personal Development and Life Coaching

Goal setting without implementation strategy is just day dreaming.

You know how to set goals. You even know what to do. Then why is it so hard to to achieve them? There are many challenges you will need to overcome to get where you want to be, but the biggest barrier are our own beliefs.

Personal Development and Life Coaching

In a personal development coaching session, the primary goal is to explore and clarify your vision, whether it be launching a business, taking your career to the next level, or sharing a creative project with the world. Through in-depth discussions and reflective exercises, the coach helps you articulate your goals, identify obstacles, and develop a strategic plan to move forward.

When internal resistance comes up in the form of self-doubt and self-subotaging behaviours, your coach will help you identify and work on expanding your somatic window of tolerance and your cognitive capacity to hold more expansive core beliefs that enable you to move towards your goals.

The outcomes of the personal development coaching session include a clearer sense of purpose, a well-defined roadmap towards your aspirations, and enhanced skills to execute your strategy effectively. The coaching sessions sets the foundation for sustainable growth and success in your chosen endeavors.

60 mins |  $110  

““Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

— Barack Obama